[面相] 是根據一個人的面部特徵和相貌來評估性格和命運等事情的學術。面相學的歷史十分悠久,傳說在黃帝時代(公元前2700年公園前2150年)就已經存在此學術。
Joey Yap believes that everybody can be successful. "Every single one of them can be successful. I don't think anyone is born to be poor, suffer and live in misery.
The Year of the Water Dragon (2012) has been tough on many. The global economic climate has witnessed a slow progression with rising inflation across Europe and America. The business world also felt the heat of the recession and a lackluster recovery.
Which Zodiac Sign do you belong to and how will it affect your property luck this year? Read on.
Which Zodiac Sign do you belong to and how will it affect your career this year? Read on to find out.
Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, 12th January 2013 - The New Year started off with a bang for those present at Joey Yap's annual Feng Shui and Astrology for 2013 seminar.
We live in an era of remarkable opportunities and challenges. With determination and perseverance, we all can achieve our goals to become successful individuals.
"You are responsible bringing the energy to the room." This is a quotation from Oprah Winfrey that we have on our official whiteboard that reminds us how important is it for each one of us to bring a sense of positive energy to our work place, in order to create a happier and more productive working environment.
There are many aspects that I look upon a property but generally I look at four criteria that are environment of the location, building as the container, people and time.
SINCE organizations can be viewed as systems, management can also be defined as human action, including design, to facilitate the production of useful outcomes from a system.
When most people need to grow bigger, people will look for partnerships in a form of joint-ventures or just temporary affiliates to grow.
By studying the significance of imperial tombs, it can be discerned that the selection of an excellent burial spot - referred as the "Yin House" in feng shui - can bring benefits to descendants.
For many expats, the mysterious, spiritual worlds of astrology and feng shui are shrouded with enigma, and those hailing from the West are likely to either shun it as a farce or deem it a magical art.
Our resident writer, Tefo was invited to attend the Joey Yap's 'Decoding Your Destiny' talk in KLCC recently. As Tefo herself recalls the main points that the world renowned Malaysian Feng Shui consultant had shared with the crowd in the packed halls of KLCC, she soon realized that the elements of Feng Shui may have an impact or would have already impacted lives and the progress of businesses, especially in the Asia context. In Tefo's own words, she takes us through her journey of learning.
有些神明遠在深山,仍然有麝自然香,每天香火鼎盛;有些近在眼前,卻依舊乏人問津,只能寂寥地獨守一片小天地。原來,風水和地形環境會影響一 間廟宇的格局,所以,即使是神明或菩薩,也要懂得選擇順應天時、地利、人和的"寶地"來安身立命。Mastery Academy玄學館風水顧問葉威明(Joey Yap)說,換個角度看,廟宇寺院其實也是一門生意,能否"風生水起"當然不能只靠運氣,也需要配合精密的計算。
Our resident writer, Tefo was invited to attend the Joey Yap's 'Decoding Your Destiny' talk in KLCC recently. As Tefo herself recalls the main points that the world renowned Malaysian Feng Shui consultant had shared with the crowd in the packed halls of KLCC, she soon realized that the elements of Feng Shui may have an impact or would have already impacted lives and the progress of businesses, especially in the Asia context. In Tefo's own words, she takes us through her journey of learning.
Feng Shui expert Joey Yap, the founder of Mastery Academy of Chinese Metaphysics, launched the fourth book in his BaZi the Destiny Code series titled The Power of X: Analysing the 10 Gods (JY Books Sdn Bhd; RM48) in January this year.
Joey Yap made the news in the May 2012 issue of Malaysia Tatler.