The Year of the Water Dragon (2012) has been tough on many. The global economic climate has witnessed a slow progression with rising inflation across Europe and America. The business world also felt the heat of the recession and a lackluster recovery. Now with the Year of the Water Snake slithering towards us, will things get any better?
Jessie Lee, a qualified BaZi consultant for Joey Yap Consulting Group, and instructor with Mastery Academy of Chinese Metaphysics based in Kuala Lumpur, said there is no reason to get squeamish.
She said: "Yes, the Year of the Snake is coming, and it promises some big challenges, but it also brings some of the best opportunities we have seen in a long time."
She added: "Each year is unique. Every year, important decisions must be made. Your life is shaped by the quality of your decisions. In order to make better decisions, you need to be aware of your options and opportunities the year has in store for you. Like all years, this year has its share of challenges and difficulties, but if you are prepared to put your remedies and enhancements in place, you will do just fine."
In this Q&A, Lee talks about how to make smarter, more informed decisions in The Year of the Water Snake 2013.
Q: Explain about BaZi, and why this ancient knowledge is still relevant and important to know?
BaZi is a system of Chinese Astrology based on their birth hour, day, month; or year, and influence of planetary movements. Knowing this allows you to gain a deeper and more profound understanding of your potential, weakness, and how to go about achieving your dreams.
In order to make good decisions, we have to have good options. BaZi helps us see ahead and give us more options in life, to help us make a better decisions based on what we have. It is also a tool of self-awareness to help us know your strengths and weaknesses. You will be successful if you enter the path of least resistance, and you have the right vehicle to enter that path.
In our Feng Shui & Astrology seminars, there are basically two ways to thrive in turbulent times. Firstly, is to understand yourself better, improve yourself to be a better version of you, and secondly, is to recognize what opportunities lie ahead and make informed decisions to ride the wave.
Q: How is The Year of the Water Snake different from previous years?
This is The Year of Water Snake, and last year was The Year of Water Dragon. Both have similar elements of water, but the difference this year is the "Yin Water," so the general outlook is that it won't be as bad as last year, which was the "Yang Water."
The main elements for this year are "Water and Fire". Water basically puts out fire; therefore people tend to be more reckless which may lead to accidents and troubles.
Last Year was a cleansing year, with restructuring and changes, where people wanted to implement to changes from small to big scale. However this year, people are ready to start anew, and do something new.
Also watch out for the Ungrateful Punishment Star this year, which affects people emotionally as they fear being taken for granted, being taken advantage of, or their relationship is not appreciated, so try not to make any rash decisions.
Q: What are the good investment opportunities this year?
Long term investments are better this year compared to speculative investments, as there is an image of Blowing Wind, which means there will be some instability. With the earth element being weak in 2013, it is not advisable to invest in shares or short term property investment, as they are external and risky. Precious metals may also drop in price.
On the other hand, long term property investment is a better option, so are alternative investment choices like collecting wines and antiques are good.
However, business investment is the best option as it requires personal skills, interest, and perseverance. Other sectors that will do well this year include water and fire related industries: Water - travelling, tourism, shipping, logistics; and Fire- communications, IT, electrical, technology, entertainment and creative works. It may also include alternative healing, enlightenment, and seminars.
Q: How will the World Economy perform in 2013?
Generally, the world economy is not so stable this year, and for some, it may be slightly worse than last year. As wood and fire elements are prime elements of 2013, overall global economic growth is in favour of Asian countries such as China, Australia, and those in South East Asia countries; whereas European countries and the United States will experience financial crisis, as it falls under earth elements which is weaker this year. I would advise people to invest in Asian countries rather than western countries.
Malaysia is in a unique state as it is positioned in alignment with the stars, so we may find opportunities and positive changes in favour of our country. Being located in a prime area, there will be in flow of people coming in to give us opportunities. If you are willing to work hard, you can have everything you want here.
Q: In summary, how do we make the best out of 2013?
Opportunities come with good ideas, and there will be many such opportunities this year. However, to leverage on that, you must work on win-win collaboration with others, and not just live in a "me, me, me" world. You should know your own capacity and have something to contribute. It is about what values you can create in this world through joint ventures, and the willingness to share the pie with others.
Every year is different. The sky map changes, planets move and energy levels change. Perhaps in 2013, some of your hidden strengths or talents can be awakened. Or perhaps, you will meet a special someone, or a mentor who has the potential to change your life! Or maybe, this is a year of amazing wealth opportunities. Through this awareness, you can improve your chances of success and maximize the opportunities that come your way. As the old saying goes, "Change Your Environment, Change Your Life." Despite the challenges, there are people who are able to see the opportunities and carve the path out of the storm.
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