Feng Shui Consultant Dato' Joey Yap shares refreshing points on consulting Chinese Metaphysics for your wedding and marriage.
A fortuneteller predicts the outcome of your life based on the stars; a "transformer" says you can change your stars. So says Joey Yap, 36, who has an accounting degree, wears a sharp suit, talks business like an investor - and is also founder of the Feng Shui and BaZi firm Joey Yap Consulting Group, and the Mastery Academy of Chinese Metaphysics in Kuala Lumpur.
To be a young millionaire is something many young Malaysians can afford to dream of these days, especially so with the myriad of opportunities available.
How does the position of your furniture affect your life? Does putting a magical necklace on your table enhance the Feng Shui of your house?
癸巳(2013)与甲午(2014)年新旧交替之际,如何运用家居风水趋吉避凶?哪个方位财星高照?房产投资能否风生水起?Mastery Academy玄学馆风水顾问拿督叶威明(Joey Yap)评析流年运程,让你在马年掌握天时、地利、人和,成功招财增运!
MSN Specials had an exclusive chat with the famous Feng Shui Consultant on what the Year of the Horse has to offer!
It's certainly time for a change around the house this new year and these feng shui advice from Dato' Joey Yap, deciphered by Su Aziz, may help you identify hotspots in your home or office.
IT will be a strong, competitive and thriving year, In ancient times, horses are animals of race and war, so you have to stay emotionally strong and competitive to emerge victorious.
很多人问我今年有什么大计划?其实我没什么大计划, 因为我觉得很多人一辈子都想等到一个大计划才开始行事。其实这不太对,你把一个个的小计划做得好做得成功, 就会累积而成大计划 。
有些贵人和你很投缘,会教导你如何把潜能发挥出来;有些贵人可以激发你的潜能,因为他不看好你,但是你想证明你行!最后把你的潜能都给激发出来!从玄学角度来看, 这些都可归类为贵人,因为贵人有分“阴/ 阳”两种。以前我也不知道自己遇上了贵人 ,现在回头看,终于才明白,原来他们都是贵人。
Jonathan Chong learns a thing or two about Feng Shui from world-renowned Feng Shui Consultant, Dato' Joey Yap.
Renowned author, Feng Shui consultant and educator, Datuk Joey Yap spoke to a full house audience of 3500 people at the Kuala Lumpur Convention Centre last Sunday, as part of his annual "Feng Shui & Astrology for 2014" seminar.
KUALA LUMPUR, 12th January 2014 - Kuala Lumpur Convention Center, Plenary Hall - Internationally renowned author, consultant and educator of Feng Shui, Dato' Joey Yap presented to a crowd of 3500 people, that 2014 will be a challenging year for many.
著名風水顧問拿督葉威明(Joey Yap) 指出,若把我國的八字與領導人的八字配合來看,我國來年的整體運勢不錯,加上我國八字有代表金錢的[金],因此預計下半年的經濟會有繼續上升的跡象!
The story of how Dato' Joey Yap transcended the mysticism of Chinese Metaphysics, spawning a multi-million industry in life transformation, and enriching the lives of both client and consultant.
風水顧問葉威明(Joey Yap)率領75名[Joey Yap精通風水課程第4單元](Feng Shui Mastery Module 4)學員造訪馬資源集團(MRCB)砸資打造的[蜆殼石油大廈](Menara Shell Tower),考察了解該大廈絕佳及獨特的風水位置。
Feng Shui master gives hands-on training to 80 students at Menara Shell
Feng Shui consultant Joey Yap shares his perspective on the relationship between Feng Shui and interior design.
玄明馆创办人叶威明(Joey Yap)日前在吉隆坡会议中心举办“八字与风水成功蓝图”大型讲座会,吸引了许多人出席。