一说到新年,很多人顿时就迷信起来,一些对玄学一知半解的朋友常会打电话问我,哪里会是接财神的最佳方位,又或者他们会对照报章杂志上的生肖运程,然后问我今年是否就会如报章杂志所述的那样。 对于这些外行人来说,实在很难和他们厘清风水以及传统文化和宗教信仰的分别,他们常把这些个别的学问混为一谈。在他们眼中,这就只是一艘“好运”的大船,而每个人理所当然的会想要在新的一年开始之际抢先搭上这艘大船。 那专业的风水顾问能为你提供怎样的“忠告”,而哪一些你又能忽略的呢?
引起城中人關注,並吸引超過6000人出席的“Joey Yap 2015年乙未年風水與流年運程講座會”圓滿結束!國際知名玄學顧問、講師以及暢銷作家,吉隆坡玄明館創辦人拿督葉威明(Dato’ Joey Yap )在這次講座會,運用奇門遁甲、風水以及八字,帶領觀眾前瞻2015乙未年,分析未來一年12生肖的運程以及飛星圖。除此之外,Dato’ Joey Yap獨特的經濟前瞻分析,也令觀眾從中受益,對2015年有更深一層的認識。
In his sold-out two-day live seminar in Kuala Lumpur, Dato’ Joey Yap showed the audience ways to master the Year of the Wood Goat
WHEN the clock struck midnight on Feb 15, it quietly marked the “birthday” of the “Year of the Goat” and signaled the exit of the Horse Year according to the Chinese zodiac chart — thus initiating the start of the annual celebrations for the Lunar New Year.
Joey Yap, professional astrologer and fengshui practitioner, was swarmed with questions on the economy by some 1,000 fans and followers who attended his annual Feng Shui and Astrology 2015 seminar in Singapore on Feb 1. What would this Year of the Goat hold? Will the property market improve? Would the environment be favorable for business? What are the positive sectors to look at when buying and selling stocks?
LET’S face it: 2014 was not only a terrible year for Malaysia, but also for the rest of the world.
MANILA, Philippines–Good news for President Aquino. Though rats are generally not on good terms with sheep, in 2015, detractors will become his friends.
Out gallops the noble horse and in prances the humble goat to reign over 2015
Astrologers say the wood element will bring in wealth to the country’s coffers
The Lunar New Year is upon us! For a lot of people around the world, the old year is cast away, consigned to learning and memory, and the new year heralds new opportunities in business, life and yes, even love. Some of those seeking an inside track on what to do with their future in 2015 turn to the ancient Chinese esoteric arts of feng shui and BaZi for guidance with the ultimate goal: success and happiness.
每逢春節就有很多民俗伊始要做,比較備受重視的就是祭祀財神了。所謂的“財神”,其實在古人心目中就是一個生財或聚財的神仙,特別在春節間祭祀就有祈求平安和財富的意義。它基本上劃分為“文財神”和“武財神”,而最為人熟知的就有趙公明、關公和比干。 名劍的財神有很多種版本,但對知名玄學家拿督葉威明(Dato’ Joey Yap)來說,正確的”財神觀“只有一種。 葉威明在接受《南洋商報》訪問時說:”人們常說“財神”,但你說世上真是有那麼多神仙嗎?其實是古代沒受教育的人說財神,但受過教育的人就會說‘財星’。術數和玄學研究的是‘天星’,所以他們常說‘天、地、人’。“ 但”天“說的不是神怪之事,而是天象,”地“是天上怎樣去感應地氣;最後的”人“,則是說怎樣在天地之間受到陰陽的氣所影響。而西洋占星術(俗稱”星座“),其實就跟中國的十二生肖一樣,兩者看得都是恆星。
Feng shui is widely practised by those seeking ways to improve their quality of life, especially in the aspects of wealth, relationships and health. While Chinese geomancy is deeply rooted in history and is trusted by millions of people worldwide, feng shui consultant Joey Yap warns that one must be aware of the destructive energies surrounding them if their efforts are to pay off.
Kung hei fat choi!
Whether you believe it or not, it's always fun to read up on what's in store for our animal sign in the Chinese New Year. For 2015, the Year of the Wood Sheep, The Manila Times sought the permission of Asia's leading Feng Shui and Chinese Astrology consultant Joey Yap to publish his forecast for host hotel Resorts World Manila (RWM).
With growing interest in Feng Shui over the years, many have turned to this ancient technique in the hope of improving their fortunes, personal luck and even their love lives. But many would have said that your love life, just like your destiny, is dictated inside your BaZi Chart, and doesn’t believe that Feng Shui can be used to change this pre-destined outcome. How true is this?
Dato' Joey Yap of the Mastery Academy of Chinese Arts offers his predictions for the year
With Chinese New Year fast approaching, we approach Dato’ Joey Yap, founder of the Mastery Academy of Chinese Metaphysics, to shed light on how the Wood Goat will influence the property market.
A lot of people have "items" around their house (think "green frog with coins in its mouth") saying these things are there for feng shui purposes. These were bought from a local tiangge or department store with the hope that they would bring health and prosperity. On the other hand, some have expressed frustration with feng shui saying all they got was really bad luck anyway.
Dato’ Joey Yap is a familiar face among homeowners with a fondness for feng shui, as his lively take on the ancient art, without using cryptic crystals, celestial charms and curious wind chimes in favour of effective personal choices and action, has won over practitioners in Malaysia and around the world.
Jessie who has more than 16 years of experience in Chinese metaphysics said Sabah should emphasise more on promoting and marketing its tourism industry.
Joey Yap, a Feng Shui Consultant, holds talks in various countries and one of his stops were in Manila last week.