Your BaZi chart tells your life potential, like a map of your life’s journey. Who you are, how you behave, your gifts, talents, strengths, weaknesses and personalities can are revealed in full color. The chart also allows us to understand any potential or hidden opportunities, and equally important the obstructions and threats that we are exposed to.
Our sessions are confidential consultations that focus not on telling the past, but on realizing opportunities and solutions in a forward-looking fashion. The outcome to be expected is that each individual will be empowered to make decisions of a higher caliber and better quality.
The quality of your life is determined by the quality of choices you make. The quality of your decisions can make or break the change you ultimately want to achieve. Better decisions come from knowing what options you have at any given point in time. If the quality or number of your options is limited, you cannot possibly make ‘better’ decisions.
BaZi and Qi Men consultation is about providing you with better options to choose from. It is the definitive tool especially when faced with difficult or important decision and crossroads in one’s life journey.
The answer is Yes. Destiny is a not only a matter of chances. It is a matter of choices, which lead to change. It is not 100% carved in stone. In other words, not everything is fated. We, at Joey Yap Consulting Group, believe in FREEWILL. You can (and should) exercise your right to change anything you dislike about your Destiny.
By being forearmed with these information, you can make informed, better quality decisions in life. This means we can help you understand your options on whether to stay in a relationship or not to stick with the same job or switch to something new or perhaps to pursue a certain new business in life.
Dato' Joey Yap explaning the basics of BaZi
We can also identify who are your helpful people, mentors, and perhaps those who are not compatible or who are harmful to you. We can identify who and what is creating stress in your life and give you suggestions on how to make positive changes or mitigate potential problems in your life.
You can then take action to make decisions and create changes in your life!
Your destiny is influenced by two major factors:
internal destiny (refers to your personality, thinking patterns, talents, skillset),
and external destiny (opportunities, events, timing, economy, factors beyond your control).
While you may not be able to alter your external destiny, you can still control - through freewill - your internal destiny.
Joey Yap believes that Good Fortune = Preparation (Internal Destiny) + Opportunities (External Destiny).
This means your Destiny can be altered according to your actions and the choices you consciously make. Regardless of what the situation you may find yourself in, for as long as you are willing to take the necessary actions, you have the chance to affect positive changes in your life. It's possible. BaZi can be your roadmap to finding success, fulfillment and happiness in life.