Feng Shui (Chinese, from Feng 風 'wind' and Shui 水 'water.') is a Chinese Metaphysics system used to study and benefit from the natural energies (Qi 氣) of the living world around us. It is deeply rooted in the culture of the Chinese and Asian countries and forms a historic pillar since the time of the First Emperor in Imperial China.
Feng Shui was originally known as "Kan Yu" (the art of observation of the forces between Heaven and Earth), is part of Chinese Five Arts. The term 'Feng Shui' was used only officially towards the end of the Qing Dynasty. Historic documents indicate that the subject with its 2000 year history has over time has been subject to significant development, refinement and further expansion into what modern practitioners now know as Classical Feng Shui.
Feng Shui is classified under physiognomy of the living environment. It is a system of formulas and calculations that enable the practitioners to assess the potential and outcome of a person, or in this case, the out come of a person living in a certain property.
In Feng Shui, we study and use the Invisible Forces that govern and affect us collectively. The principles of natural energies known as Qi, these invisible forces are what bind the universe and all things living together including the Earth that we live in.
Generally, Qi can be classified as Positive Qi (Sheng Qi) or Negative Qi (Sha Qi) and there are four main factors in Feng Shui that form the core of influence. The nature of Qi is cyclical and as such, can be calculated. At different times, different types of Qi will take its affects on the environment.
If you know the types of Qi that will affect the environment in certain months of the year, one can prepare for the best or worst of the situation. Making informed decisions are in fact, part of both Chinese Feng Shui and Chinese Astrology.
The type and elements of the water formations, landforms, contours of the land, mountains that are the source which govern, circulate or collect the Qi in the environment.
The living or working space is the man made structure itself that will contain, capture and most important of all, to circulate the Qi.
Over time, the movement of the stars and alignments of our body, the Earth and the Sun have diverse affects on the Feng Shui of a location.
One man’s meat is another man’s poison. Different people will benefit or have disadvantages in different environments, building and time.