Not even the remaining winter chill could dampen the eagerness of the participants who turned up in full force for Joey Yap' s Canadian stop of the Good to Great in 2008 Seminar. Bundled up in winter coats, long-time fans and new enthusiasts showed up with much excitement at the Novotel Hotel in Mississauga, Ontario on that Sunday to hear Joey speak on the upcoming highs and lows of 2008, the Year of the Earth Rat.
Many showed an interest in knowing how the year would affect the individual 12 Animal Signs of the Chinese Astrology and they eagerly held on to every word as Joey talked about the potential good times and challenges that awaited each Animal Sign. Also a much-anticipated element of the seminar was the overview of the Feng Shui aspects of the year, both for the professional and personal sectors.
All the attendees had a chance to meet Joey up close and personal during the book signing session, and were delighted to have the opportunity to exchange a few words with him. All in all, it was a memorable experience for those who braved the cold to show up in support of Joey' s stop in Canada.