An eager crowd, some of whom were Joey’s long-time fans, greeted Joey warmly and were keen to learn about what potentials a career in Chinese Metaphysics can offer.
The audience consisting of young ladies, graduates as well as professionals came prepared with notepads to take down the crucial points.
Joey took the stage saying that he felt more like a model rather than a speaker as the stage for the talk was like the one that is usually used for catwalk, coupled with the undivided attention of the predominantly female audience on the floor.
Joey explained to the audience the essentials of Mian Xiang, focusing on the fundamentals of face reading. He added the system emphasised the five elements on the face and how to determine a balance and symmetry in face shapes, forehead analysis and clear definition of each individual’s features.
With young women being the majority of the crowd, the pet subject would of course be looking for the right partners. Joey did not disappoint them by sharing the favourable facial features that they should seek for when looking for a suitable partner. This got the crowd going and made the talk livelier.
When it came to the Questions and Answers session, jokes and witty banter were tossed between Joey and the audience. It was a fun and light-hearted talk that was as entertaining as it was fun.
This career talk has surely given a new perspective to Cleo readers as to what Chinese Metaphysics is all about.
Reported by Dafizeck