On February 26 2005, Joey Yap was invited by HSBC to present a talk on Face
Reading to their Premier clients at Nikko Hotel in Kuala Lumpur. The Ballroom
for this event was packed to capacity as this was the first time Joey would
be giving a presentation on Face Reading - in fact this was possibly the first
time that such a presentation was being held anywhere in Malaysia.
The crowd were going through the handouts even before the talk began and seemed to have question already in hand for Joey. Joey was welcomed on-stage by the senior managers of HSBC and began his presentation. As he proceeded it became obvious that the crowd was enjoying every minute of it - they were happy to participate and hurriedly took down all the notes they could. With a witty twist to some of the information he presented, Joey often had the crowd in fits of laughter (how to identify a good mother-in-law was a classic).
During the tea break, many attendees were seen gathering around Joey to get more information and say hello as well as pick his brains on his knowledge of Feng Shui and BaZi (Chinese Astrology).
When the class continued, Joey did a few case studies using the faces of famous personalities before ending his presentation with a few short tips on the Feng Shui for 2005.