The Design Your Destiny™(DYD) program syllabus was recently improved with two additional topics covering Feng Shui and Date Selection, which will complement the BaZi skills the students acquire during the program to truly design their Destiny.
The new students, who attended the program in Kuala Lumpur on October 14, were eager to study the newly improved syllabus and start making positive changes in life using BaZi, a study of Destiny and Personality Analysis in Chinese Astrology. Instructing the three-day program was Mastery Academy senior consultant and instructor, Jessie Lee.
Day One began with the basics of BaZi and letting the students familiarized themselves with the BaZi chart reading techniques. They also learnt to understand the first level of BaZi, the ten Day Masters and its attributes. In Day Two, they studied the five Structures, the second level of BaZi, and at the same time, sharpen their chart reading techniques.
Jessie introduced the students to the ten Profiles, the third level of BaZi, on Day Three, which completes their BaZi Profiling lessons of the program. Thereafter, they learnt some useful Feng Shui and Date Selection techniques that they can utilize along with BaZi to maximize their potential for success.
The DYD program is ideal for those who are still new to BaZi study but are also keen to learn about BaZi Profiling and chart reading. For more information and updates on the next Design Your Destiny™ or BaZi Mastery™ programs, visit its website here.