The Mastery Academy's Mian Xiang (Chinese Face Reading) Mastery Series Module 1 and 2 were conducted at Hotel Nikko in Kuala Lumpur over the course of three days, from April 30 to May 2. It was no ordinary class because the students who had enrolled in the new Modules 1 and 2 were actually the first to learn the updated course content. To top it all, all the lessons were recorded live!
Among the students who attended this course were new faces, familiar faces from previous classes, those who traveled from afar to learn first-hand from a master instructor and experienced consultant, students seeking to complement their knowledge of Feng Shui and BaZi (Chinese Astrology), and others who had just completed their 'Design Your Destiny' program with Joey three days ago.
For Module 1 of the Mian Xiang Mastery Series, Joey unveiled to the students the history, versatile application and astounding advantages of the ancient Chinese art of Face Reading. Beginner-level students were also introduced to basic concepts on facial shapes, features and contours. Module 2 enraptured the students with the ever fascinating 100-Year Map of a person's life, as depicted in his or her face. With its focus on Practical Face Reading, Joey used live examples of the students to demonstrate his detailed analysis on the face.
In addition, lessons were interspersed with practical sessions that encouraged the students to study each other's facial features and expressions at close range to analyze character, relationships, career prospects and health aspects.
Joey injected more fun into the learning process with his personal anecdotes while guiding the students. His invigorating approach to teaching enabled the Mian Xiang students to put to immediate use the key techniques that are learned from ancient Chinese classics.
Never again will faces look the same to them as they stepped out of the class with their newly-acquired skills and certificates for completing Modules 1 and 2 of the Mian Xiang Mastery Series.