How the Qi in a property affects the occupants and the nature of the work in a property.
Basic knowledge in the 'Ba Gua' or the Eight Trigrams, can give us a lot of information about a building.
When Lisa was looking for a new office block for her beauty salon, one of the potential properties had a damages Southeast corner, being speared by external negative features.
This fact alone was a big disadvantage to Lisa.
Firstly, her Gua number was 4 ('Xun' Gua), and the Southeast sector is the 'palace' for this Gua. Secondly, her work involved a lot of creativity, beauty, and communications. These are the qualities represented by the star 4 Green.
You see every 'star' (body of Qi) in a property has a corresponding 'palace' in one of the eight sectors. When a palace is damaged or missing. The quality of the star it governs is affected. Certain stars are crucial for certain kinds of work, people, and characteristics.
For example, a PR and Advertising Firm should pay special attention to the Southeast and South sectors. A negative feature (like sharp jagged roofs) outside these sectors can damage the quality of the corresponding stars (4 and 9) and subsequently affects creativity, relationship building and communication.
In such a case, this PR Firm may develop a bad reputation due to client miscommunication. The Creative Team will also find it hard to generate good ideas and sell them to their clients.
A Law Firm, on the other hand, would of course require the Qi of the star 3. Therefore it is essential that such premises do not have a missing East sector and 'see' external 'Sha' at that point.
A Chinese medicine shop draws on the qualities of the star 2 (Southwest sector) because it involves healing.
Writers will find it hard to work in a property with damaged or missing Southeast and North sectors, while politicians and judges, for example, should check on the Northwest sector.
Do note that a person's Gua number does NOT mean that he has the related qualities. Being Gua 1 person does not mean that a person should become a researcher of a tour guide. The Star numbers that I am referring to above refers instead to how the Qi in a property affects the occupants of the property.
Make a short list of the nature of your work. Then inspect the condition of the corresponding sector. This is one simple way to assess if your building is supporting (or hindering) your job.
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