Meandering streams reflect the image of a strong Dragon, while linear streams denote a weak Dragon.
In our Feng Shui assessment of the land, we discerned the presence of a meandering ‘Flatland Dragon’, which embraces the Embassy Gardens with the manifestation of positive prospects for those who reside here. The development is one of its kind and is greatly admired for its commendable geography, which harnesses the potentials of prosperity, prominent status and beyond.
The detailed assessment of the property reveals that it is located at the ‘stomach of the Dragon’ in the context of Feng Shui, thus amplifying the positive prospects that the development bears. The classics have it that such landform is exceptionally unique and is where great deals are sealed with boundless possibilities.
The point where the water embraces, the land will be known as The Golden City 金城. Where the city is embraced by the mighty river, the land will be flourished with prosperity and good fort
Where all is well, the development is also embraced by 9 high-rise buildings, which serve as the ‘Virtual Mountains’ to constitute the laudable formation known as the ‘Turtle Floating on a Lotus Leaf’. Ushering positive energies from the environment into the development, it is not surprising that this is the land where intellects and diplomats are born
The Giant Turtle emaerges on a lotus flower,
The land is shined by the Tian Yuan constellation,
Should the structure resemble the seed of the lotus,
great fortune shall prevail.
Forming the core of the Embassy Gadens development is the US Embassy which is sited at the centre of the Embassy Gardens and Dutch Embassy. In this context, the US Embassy represents the coronet of the officials from Imperial China while the Embassy Gardens and Dutch Embassy surrounding it portrays the left and right arms. Both arms meet the building at the bay, which resembles the sceptre of anchient China. Given all these attributes, the overall geography reflects the image of a significant official from Imperial China which connotes authority and nobility.
In the Feng Shui compass, the Northwest direction belongs to the Qian Trigram of the Eight Trigrams, representing the ‘Heaven’. The Embassy Gardens development faces the northwest direction, thus welcoming positive Qi to the development from its optimum direction.
The cornet and sceptre face the Heaven’s Sky
The official seal on the glistening ink
Beconferred to the highest high
To the Imperial Hall, the noble shall prink
Joey Yap is the Chief Consultant of Joey Yap Group Limited, an international consulting firm specialising in Feng Shui and Chinese Astrology service. Joey Yap Group Limited provides professional consultations services on Chinese Metaphysics to a wide range of business and individuals globally. The group engages businesses both small and medium as well as large corporations including those from Fortune 500 companies and public listed companies.