Hello Joey,
I heard my friend raving about you and therefore decided to look you up from the internet. I'm really impressed by what I have read about you! And as I am currently going through a challenging period in my life, I decide that I would ask you a few questions which I hope you can help enlighten Bazi-wise.
I've moved from Malaysia to UK in 2008. Prior to my move, I was in a very good job (good position and salary) although I wasn't happy in the company or the actual job itself. I felt that I was not in the 'right' job because it was a job that required a lot of numerical skills, which I don't really have.
Since moving to UK, due to my experience in that job, I found another similar job but at a lower position. The salary wasn't great either. I am now in my 3rd job in UK with a dismal salary and position. I am finding myself moving lower instead of higher.
So I feel that my career is going completely the wrong direction. This is making me very unhappy and I am losing my self-esteem slowly but surely.
1. Can you share with me your thoughts based on my Bazi whether I will have any luck financially and in my career in UK?
2. Will I also have luck in terms of finding a suitable role in the near future which also provides me very good and positive working relationship with my bosses?
3. Or is working on my own something I can explore?
I'd greatly appreciate your advice. Thank you and I hope to be financially better to be able to attend one of your seminars in London soon.
Thank you.