Hello. How are u? 1stly I would like to thank you for reading my masage.. I have you on facebook..my question is......wen will I find my soul mate? Will I get married again? Will my business pick up as the last few mnths I have been havin a lot of financial problems lately?? Wat advice to give about my future?? Thank you for responding.... Zahida
Answered: 23 Sep 2011 at 5:05:13 PM
Dear Zahida,
You most probably have past your chance on meeting your soul mate a couple of years ago. But not to worry. The next chance will come again. Your chart indicates a lot of attitude and thinking problems internally. This is the main cause for most of your current setbacks. You stubbornness and inflexibility is also a key factor. If you fail to improve, your future only becomes better after 41. If you take action to study your shortcomings, you can improve matters much quicker.