If you are genuinely interested, most likely your BaZi will also favor the elements associated with Metaphysics. Whether or not one could be successful in this field (or in any other field) will depend on the capacity for Wealth/nobility as well as wise implementation of strategies and action plans based on his/her understanding of his/her own BaZi chart.
In many cases, 'success' means differently to different people. Your defination of 'making it' in this field could be different than mine. Do you consider financial success as 'making it' in this field? Or do you consider 'mastery' over the subject true success?
Pursue this field only if you have a genuine interest in using Feng Shui and BaZi to help make a difference in other people's lives. Then I am sure this would turn up to be a very rewarding career for you.
Warm Regards - JY