Dear JY,
Your TV show is marvelous and easy to understand. I have started to get addicted to it. I personally like your web-site which is very informative.Anyway, will need your advise on the following:
my gua number is 8, my house is facing NE. please advise (good or bad) on my present house arrangement
Ground floor
1) living room - N section
2) wet kitchen - E section
3) dinning room - NE section
4) guest room - S section
First floor
1) master room - N/NE/W section (bed is in N section)
2) study room/family hall - NE section
3) share room (2 room) - E/SE/S section
How is the current main door NW facing? if bad, how to rectify?
Answered: 15 Sep 2005 at 1:31:12 PM
Dear Chong, you only have to take care of the main door, bed room, and stove. For your SW sitting house, so the sectors NE, NW, W, SW are good. Cheers! Sherwin