Answered: 29 Aug 2005 at 11:46:13 AM
Dear Jane, we are not applying colours on the house (Feng Shui), but ourselves. [Destiny is equally influenced by Heaven-Earth-Man luck] We use BaZi (Heaven) to find out what kind of qualities (elements) we need and use colours as a psychological marker (Man luck). Colours don't exactly create Qi. We can say, for example, that RED is 'aggressive' and 'cheerful' - if indeed this is how we want to remind someone to act. Similarly, some can use a whole room of black walls (retrospective, quiet) while others see it as depressive. To find out which colours are good for you, you need to look at the entire BaZi chart and find at least the favourable elements - not necessarily the element you lack. And lastly, as Master JY did say, colours play a really minor role - I myself don't use my supposed good colours, so don't worry about using the 'wrong' colours. In BaZi the most important is what kind of characteristics you use. Cheers! SN