I BaZi
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Joey Yap is the founder of the Mastery Academy of Chinese Metaphysics, a global organisation devoted to the teaching of Feng Shui, BaZi, Mian Xiang and other Chinese Metaphysics subjects. He is also the Chief Consultant of Joey Yap Consulting Group, an international consulting firm specialising in Feng Shui and Chinese Astrology services.

Joey Yap first began learning about Chinese Metaphysics from masters in the field when he was fifteen.

Despite having graduated with a Commerce degree in Accounting, Joey never became an accountant. Instead, he began to give seminars, talks and professional Chinese Metaphysic consultations in Malaysia, Singapore, India, Australia, Canada, England, Germany and the United States, becoming a household name in the field. By the age of twenty-six, Joey became a self-made millionaire and in 2008, he was listed in The Malaysian Tatler as the Top 300 Most Influential People in Malaysia and Prestige's Top 40 Under 40.

His practical and result-driven take on Feng Shui and BaZi sets him apart from other older, traditional masters and practitioners in the field. He shows people how the ancient teachings can be utilized for tangible REAL world benefits. The success he and his clients enjoy, thanks to his advice, is positive proof that Feng Shui and BaZi Astrology works, whether everyone believes in it or not!

Today, Joey has helped and worked with governments and the wealthiest people in Singapore, Hong Kong, China, Malaysia and Japan. His clients include multinationals, developers, tycoons and royalties. On Bloomberg, he is featured on-air as a regular guest on the subject of Feng Shui annual forecasts. He was an invited speaker at the prestigious CEO Space in Las Vegas, where top CEOs and successful entrepreneurs worldwide converged to learn from the best of the best. He is retained by twenty-five top Malaysian property developers to help determine suitable candidates to take top management, change their space and Feng Shui mechanism, the way they make decisions, and understand the natural cosmic energies that can influence their decision-making.

Joey is devoted to using his success to advance the field he works within.

The Joey Yap Consulting Group is the world's largest and first specialized metaphysics consultation firm. His consultancy, and professional speaking and training engagements with Microsoft, HP, Bloomberg, Citibank, HSBC and many more have seen the benefits of Classical Feng Shui and BaZi find their way into corporate environment and culture. Celebrities, property developers and other large organizations turn to Joey when they need the best.

After years of field-testing and fine-tuning his teachings, he has put together a team in the form of Joey Yap Research International. The objective of this Research Team is to scientifically track and verify the positive impact of Feng Shui and BaZi on subjects and ultimately to assist more people in achieving their life goals.

The Mastery Academy of Chinese Metaphysics which Joey founded teaches thousands of students from all around the world about Classical Feng Shui, Chinese Astrology and Face Reading. Many graduates have gone on to become successful in their own right, becoming sought after consultants, setting up their own consultancy businesses or even becoming educators, passing on Chinese Metaphysics knowledge to others.

Joey has also created the Decision Referential Technology™, offering decision reformation training on how to make better decisions in business and in personal life. He has led his team of highly trained consultants to help clients create more positive change in corporate boardrooms and increase production in their companies, helping people see their business outlook for each year so they may anticipate, plan and execute their strategies successfully.

Joey's work has been featured regularly in various popular global publications and networks like Time, Forbes, the International Herald Tribune and Bloomberg. He has also written columns for The New Straits Times, The Star and The Edge – Malaysia’s leading newspapers.

He has achieved bestselling author status with over 100 books, on Feng Shui, Chinese Astrology (BaZi), Face Reading and Yi Jing, which has sold more than three million copies to-date. Many of his titles have also topped the Malaysian and Singaporean MPH Bookstores’ bestseller lists.

It is safe to say that Joey Yap is a world leader in the field of Chinese Metaphysics.

His success is not limited to matters of Feng Shui and BaZi. Although his success is a product of them, he is also a successful entrepreneur, leading his own companies and property investment portfolio. When not teaching metaphysics or consulting around the world, Joey is a Naruto fan, avid snowboarder and is crazy for fruits de mer.

Joey Yap 是玄明馆的创办人以及主导师。玄明馆为一家跨国机构,致力于传授风水、八字、面相以及其他各种中华术数。同时,他也是Joey Yap Consulting Group的总顾问。而Joey Yap Consulting Group则是一家国际咨询公司,专门提供风水与命相审核服务。





Joey在2005年主持了"与Joey Yap一起认识风水"的电视节目,结果好评如潮,而之后在2008年于Astro华丽台所播出的"藏风聚水"也获得了极好的回响。

许 多著名的国际机构也曾经跟Joey合作过,如HSBC, Bloomberg, Microsoft, Samsung, IBM, HP, Great Eastern, Citibank, Standard Chartered, OCBC, SIME UEP, Mah Sing, Sunrise, Auto Bavaria, Volvo, AXA, Singtel, ABN Amro, CIMB, Hong-Leong, Manulife等等。


Jessie Lee is a qualified BaZi consultant for Joey Yap Consulting Group and an instructor with Mastery Academy of Chinese Metaphysics. With her experience in the hospitality industry, meeting and understanding people has grown into a passion to help others realize their life potential. This has given her the cause and direction in her career as a BaZi consultant to guide people in taking charge of their own destinies, to realistically accept their own limitations and enhance their innate talents. She has consulted and coached thousands of clients from all over the world. Other than BaZi, she is also professionally trained in classical Feng Shui, Mian Xiang, Date Selection and Yi Jing. She has also authored a book entitled BaZi Guide to Love: If the Shoe Fits released in 2012.

Aside from her consultation and teaching capacity, Jessie has presented talks to corporate clients such as BMW, MPH Bookstores, The Carat Club, Body Perfect, Getha and Alliance Bank, and has shared her expertise in numerous publications in Malaysia. Her media appearances include Astro, NTV7, 8TV, The Star, New Straits Times and ParGolf.

Besides her involvement in Chinese Metaphysics, her experience and affinity in spirituality since her early teens has led her to become a spiritual advisor, providing spiritual guidance and counseling for many, both locally and overseas including Hong Kong, London, Australia and United States.

Joey Yap Consulting Group 旗下擁有合格資格的八字顧問,同時也是玄明館的導師之一。幫助別人了解自己的人生是她的另一大成就。擁有酒店管理經驗的她,與人接觸和了解他人觸發了她對這方面的熱誠。這也是促使她成為八字顧問的原因,並成為她的事業方針,發現八字可以引導別人了解自己的命運,接受自己的所在局限和發揮自己的天賦。她曾諮詢和教導逾千名來自世界各地的客戶。除了八字,她也接受過古典風水、面相、擇日和易經等中華玄學的專業訓練。在2012年,她撰寫和發布了一本以八字為指南的感情書籍:If the Shoe Fits。

Jessie 不僅在諮詢和教學方面經驗豐富外,她也為多家企業進行商業講座,如BMW, MPH Bookstores, The Carat Club, Body Perfect, Getha 和Alliance Bank,更在馬來西亞各大出版物上分享她的專業知識。她曾接受的媒體訪問包括Astro, NTV7, 8TV, The Star, New Straits Times and和ParGolf。



Chui Ling is a Hong Kong-born, Malaysia-based TV and radio personality, host and writer.

The success of her TV programmes like On The Beat, One Day Five Meals and Ladies Sdn Bhd, has cemented her position as one of the country's most sought-after Chinese personalities for events and product endorsements. She is currently brand ambassador for Maurice Lacroix.

Noted for her 5-minute daily radio show on MYFM entitled Chui Ling's Drivetime Mall, she now helms the 6am-10am breakfast show, Morning Boss, on Astro's newest Chinese radio station, Melody FM103.

She is also a frequent host of Astro Wah Lai Toi programmes (the country's satellite station's premier Chinese channel) and annually hosts the feng shui-inspired Feng Shui Voyage and Walking the Dragons with Joey Yap. She has two publications to her name as well - the food-inspired Chui Ling's One Day Five Meals and Tastefully Chic, plus iPhone apps, MYFoodBible and MYHappyHour.

The busy lady has recently launched a series of public speaking workshops too. Through Speak Up with Chui Ling, she aims to share the secrets of her success with those interested in an entertainment career or those who just want to better their public speaking skills.

Besides hosting for radio and TV, Chui Ling also emcees in Chinese and English for various ground events in Malaysia, Singapore, Hong Kong and even, Thailand.

For more information, please refer to


观众对翠Ling的认识始于 《On the Beat》,这是她第一次担纲主持的节目,热烈的反应不仅让节目收视报捷,也成功地打开了她的知名度。

这次的机会为她的事业发展开启了新的里程碑,不久之后,她就被邀加入哗FM,开始了长达2年的电台DJ生涯。生动有趣的表达方式及活泼开朗的性格迅间征服了大马听众,翠Ling这个名字牢牢地进驻了大马人的心里。 后来她在本土电视剧《己子当归》扎上一角,而这个260集的长寿剧吸引了百万观众,成为了马来西亚电视史上最轰动的电视剧之一。

一连串的发展让翠Ling成为了炙手可热的主持,Astro 华丽台先后邀请了她主持《我是电视迷》及 《电视剧大奖》,后来成为了《Astro国际华裔小姐》的御用司仪,和多位海内外的名人主持同台演出。

她在MYFM101.8一手包办的杂志性节目《架势广场》,在每一天的清晨繁忙时段播出,陪伴了许多塞车一族度过在车龙的日子。不得不提的,当然就包括脍炙人口的 《一日午餐》 及 《不止一个墟》了。

翠Ling也是香港无线电视的家庭成员之一,2007年首个节目《雪映移城》在香港播出后取得不俗成绩,从此奠定了她 '一姐' 的地位。


One aspect of radio announcer in Malaysia radio industry for more than 20 years. Hearty laughter personality, she impressed the audience every moment while hosting. Vivian join MYFM since 1998, currently presided over every Monday to Friday from 1 pm to 4 pm in the "MY FM Vivian's cafe" Sundays at 9 pm to 12 mn The "MY FM Vivian's Choice of music"

In addition to host a radio show, Vivian is also involved in television circles, presided over by acclaimed television programs, including the early 《RIM Chart show》, 《Whins of furtune》 《Private Chat with Men's Friends》 《Astro Veterans Talent quest》 《残酷一丁》 《Ladies Sdn Bhd》and numerous music awards ceremony, event and so on. Vivian loves writing,her first book launched in 2006 "Broadcasting spirit" to share her years in the work and life bit by bit.

In addition, Vivian is also involved in all of MY Astro Chinese New Year album, including year of mouse 2008 Ox 2009 Tiger 2010 Rabit 2011. At the same time, she is a local first Lunar New Year film, "tiger woohoo!" (4.2 million) And year 2011 the hugely popular "Great day,"(6.5 Million) the main actors of the New Year Movie. Prior to this, Vivian also starred in 1998 in Singapore movie "Money No Enough", and also the up coming 《Ghost friends》 acting with Mark Lee from Singapore and Maggie Siu from HongKong,《Ah Beng》 with Jack Lim.

September 24, 2011 Vivian has even been invited as the host of Prime Minister face to face talk with Village residents Mambang Diawan , showing her hosting ability affirmed by the government.

An international professional qualification Vivian Hypnotherapy is also much focused interaction with the audience, often through radio programs, books and other social networking sites and face the audience to share positive thinking, constantly encouraging and counseling the audience in order to serve the public, takes the community, with the community concept.

一位在大马广播界纵横超过20年的资深广播人。爽朗的笑声、有话直说、性格干脆利落,是她给听众的印象。Vivian也是1998年MY FM成立至今劳苦功高的开台始祖之一,目前主持每逢周一至周五下午1时至4时的《MY FM勤意咖啡馆》、每逢周日晚上9时至11时的《MY FM 音乐勤缘~当年情》以及周日晚上11时至凌晨12时的《MY FM 音乐勤缘 ~一路上有你》。


Vivian也参与所有MY Astro 的贺岁专辑, 其中包括《快乐到鼠大团圆》、《牛转乾坤庆团圆》、《舞虎扬威大日子》以及《天天好天好福气》。同时,她也是本地首部贺岁电影,《大日子 woohoo!》以及今年叫好又叫座的《天天好天》贺岁片的主要演员之一。在此之前,Vivian也曾于1998年主演新加坡电影《钱不够用》、而近期即将登场的还有与新加坡李国煌及香港邵美琪合作的《老友鬼鬼》《阿Beng之心想事成》等等。

2011年9月24号更被国家首相邀请担任Mambang Diawan与村民面对面接触的主持人,可见其主持能力备受赞誉不容置疑。


2012年加入马来西亚全新的电台MelodyFM与ChuiLing拍档主持《Morning Boss》波士早晨,从熟龄角度出发关注世界财经走势~走出另一片广播天空~


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